Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act I Scene 14: Prince Hatt's Lair. The Princess shines a light on the Prince's face while he is asleep [Princess, Prince Hatt, Witch]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act I Scene 3: Prince Hatt pleads with his mother to set him free [Prince Hatt, Witch]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act I Scene 6: The Fool comments on the action so far [Fool]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act I Scene 9: The Fool relates the events so far to his puppet [Fool]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act II Scene 2: The King comes across his daughter but does not recognise her at first [The King, Princess]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act II Scene 4: The Market. The Princess and the Fool have come to the market [Fruit Seller, Fool, Folks, Merry-makers, Princess]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act II Scene 6: The Princess, clothed in tatters, meets Prince Hatt, who recognises her voice [Prince Hatt, Princess]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110, Act II Scene 8: The Witch invites the court to the wedding to witness her power - The Witch's destruction [Witch, King, Prince Hatt, Princess]
Det sjungande tradet, Op. 110: I. Prologue. The Tree of Life stands at the center, its roots encircling the Prince Hatt's lair, its crown reflecting all the wonder of life [Prince Hatt, Witch]
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