
1. 机器学习领域

ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,引用75231次(AlexNet,点燃了深度学习的热潮,因此2012年被认为是深度学习元年,当然要十分感谢ImageNet和GPU的加持); Learning internal representations by error-propagation & Learning representations by back-propagating errors,引用50716次(BP算法,殿堂级别的成果,几乎所有关于神经网络的文章都会用到BP算法); Deep learning,引用33222次(“三巨头”关于深度学习的综述文章); Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting,引用24452次(Dropout是一种防止深度学习模型过拟合的正则化方法,目前已被Google申请专利,面对封锁,华为诺亚实验室开源了Disout算法,直接对标Google的Dropout); Visualizing data using t-SNE,引用16957次(t-SNE是一种流形学习方法,用于数据降维和可视化)。

一直被对比,从未被超越的Adam,目前的引用量是60604次; 使神经网络训练更快、更稳定的Batch normalization,目前的引用量是22986次; 避免深层网络训练时梯度消失或梯度爆炸的激活函数—线性整流函数ReLU(Rectified linear units improve restricted boltzmann machines),目前的引用量是11548次。 Zisserman在2014年发表的关于VGGNet的文章Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition,目前的引用量是48691次。Google在2015年发表的关于GoogLeNet的文章Going deeper with convolutions,目前的引用量是26353次。何凯明2016年的文章Deep residual learning for image recognition,提出的多达152层ResNet,目前的引用量是63253次。2016年提出的用于目标检测的Faster R-CNN,目前的引用量是24215次。
2. 计算机视觉领域

3. 通信和图像处理

4. 信号处理和图像处理
Donoho D L. Compressed sensing[J]. IEEE Transactions on information theory, 2006, 52(4): 1289-1306. 27000次引用 Candès E J, Romberg J, Tao T. Robust uncertainty principles: Exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information[J]. IEEE Transactions on information theory, 2006, 52(2): 489-509. 16000次引用
Tibshirani R. Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso[J]. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 1996, 58(1): 267-288. 引用35000次
Cortes C, Vapnik V. Support-vector networks[J]. Machine learning, 1995, 20(3): 273-297.
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Perona P, Malik J. Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion[J]. IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 1990, 12(7): 629-639. 引用15000次
Rudin L I, Osher S, Fatemi E. Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms[J]. Physica D: nonlinear phenomena, 1992, 60(1-4): 259-268. 引用15000次
Lowe D G. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints[J]. International journal of computer vision, 2004, 60(2): 91-110. 58000次引用 Dalal N, Triggs B. Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection[C]//2005 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR'05). IEEE, 2005, 1: 886-893. 32000次引用
Wang Z, Bovik A C, Sheikh H R, et al. Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing, 2004, 13(4): 600-612. 引用27000
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